Lymphatic drainage can be a powerful tool for people whose lymphatic system is compromised from surgery, illness or injury- or for those looking to boost their immune system & feel more radiant inside and out!
What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
Dr. Vodder method of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a unique method developed in France in the 1930s. Lymph drainage (MLD) is not "massage" per say. Massage implies kneading and MLD is rather a set of specific hand techniques that use a gentle, skin-stretching (torquing) motion that works directly with the skin to stimulate transport of the lymphatic fluid that sits just below the surface.
MLD has been shown to increase lymphatic flow by up to 20x, and it'll stay elevated for up 24-48 hours. It's so deeply relaxing, nurturing, and dynamic. This gentle, non-invasive treatment has a powerful effect on the body and nervous system.
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and organs that lie beneath the skin, and it’s a critical component of a healthy immune system. In fact, your lymphatic system acts almost like a plumbing system, helping your body filter out waste and bacteria and circulate healthy fluid back into the body.
Lymphatic drainage, which is often called manual lymphatic drainage, or MLD, involves gently mobilizing areas of the body to help move lymph fluid to an area with working lymph vessels and processing nodes which act as filters and alerts for the immune system.
All our cells rely on lymph fluid to boost immunity and transport waste products. So theoretically, a congested lymphatic system can compromise your immune system. Since lymph fluid is full of disease-fighting white blood cells, stuck fluid can contribute to a host of issues, including lymphedema or a compromised immune system.
The most obvious sign of a compromised lymphatic system is swelling. Most of the time, lymphatic vessels become congested as a result of surgery, infection, trauma or diseases like cancer. Infection and tight muscles may also be signs of congestion.
What Are The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage?
Lymphatic drainage helps reduce swelling in your body and makes it easier for your lymph nodes to process and filter debris. Lymphatic drainage benefits may include:
Immune system support.
Reduced fluid retention.
Relief from neuropathy.
Stress management / pain management
Glowing skin
Hormonal support
Weight loss support
Sleep regulation
Circulatory support
Digestive support
Lymphatic drainage can help if your lymphatic system isn’t working as efficiently as it should. You might have a congested lymph system if you develop:
Puffy, swollen ankles or hands
Digestive issues
Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Safe For Me?
For most individuals, yes, but let's talk contraindications, because an increase in lymph flow may not be beneficial for your body, and could exacerbate your condition or symptoms. Contraindications are clinical boundaries that ensure the safety of each individual, and lymphatic drainage has a few...
Acute Inflammation- Typically caused by bacteria or viruses. Example: streptococcus or staphylococcus causing cellulitis or erysipelas. Tissue that is red, hot, painful, congested, and accompanied by a fever is not suitable to receive this treatment during this time.
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)- If you are unmedicated or if edema is due solely to cardiac failure/cardiac edema you are unable to receive MLD.
Renal Failure- This is relative to the severity of your disease. MLD is a powerful diuretic and will tax renal function temporarily. Your kidneys must be strong enough to receive treatment safely. Always check with your health care provider.
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)- This is only during the acute phase. MLD is beneficial for post-thrombotic syndrome edema management.
Relative Contraindications/Precautions: **Disclose to your therapist prior to the start of your session.**
Malignant Lymphedema- This is when lymphedema is being caused by active cancer. Please submit *written physician approval.
Bronchial Asthma- MLD stimulates your vagus nerve and can (rare, but possible) bring on an attack.
Pregnancy- MLD is great for pregnancy but your session must be tailored to you and baby's needs.
Hyperthyroidism- If you're on medication for hyperthyroidism, MLD could metabolize your medication quickly, sending a flood of hormones into your cardiovascular system. I can simply adjust the treatment to meet your body's needs.\
Hypersensitive Carotid Sinus- We want to avoid causing a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rhythm, all that means is we avoid your carotid sinus.
Cardiac Arrhythmia
Menstruation - abdominal work will be modified for your comfort.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurism (AAA)
The lymphatic system pulls things out of the tissues in our body that don’t belong, things that can be contributing to our symptoms. After MLD you may experience a Herxheimer or "Herx" Reaction are a short-term (1 to 2 days) detoxification reaction. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, fatigue, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms.
While this may sound unpleasant, you should feel so much better on the other side, if you have a reaction at all, some people just feel awesome!
Make sure to drink lots of water (with electrolytes) and add a little downtime after your lymphatic session. Take this time to let your body reboot!
The Organs That Detoxify:
Colon- You may see changes to your stool's color, consistency, and/or frequency.
Liver- Your liver function goes way up, which means an increase in bile production. Bilirubin is what gives poop its color, and why you may see changes here. The liver is huge and uses a lot of energy, so this may be why you feel fatigued afterwards.
Kidneys- MLD is a powerful diuretic and you may see changes to your urine's color, odor, and/or frequency. Your lymphatics and kidneys work together to maintain the fluid balance in the body. The lymphatics help to remove waste products from the interstitial fluid that surrounds our cells, and our kidneys help get it out of our body. After your session you'll notice frequent urination...HYDRATE.
Lungs- Sometimes with our upper respiratory clients, phlegm can find its way out of the lungs. Lungs detoxify our body with every exhalation but they are surrounded (both inside and out) by lymphatic structures. You may see changes here as they cleanse themselves.
Skin- Such a fun detox organ but the symptoms? Not so much. You may break out with a couple zits or even a rash as your skin detoxifies. You may also smell changes to your sweat. It's normal.
Changes can occur as your body repairs itself. They vary greatly person-to-person but it's important to know that these symptoms are normal and temporary!
Ways To Support Your Lymphatic Drainage System Before & After Your Session
Limit caffeine and alcohol the days leading up to your appointment- and after to help minimize mood swings and support your liver.
Hydrate (with electrolytes) prior to your appointment and keep up the great work afterwards.
Prioritize sleep. It's where all the detox magic happens.
Incorporate gentle movement before and after your session. Yoga, walking, rebounding, vibration plate, or breath work can help stimulate your lymphatic flow and keep things moving nicely.
Epsom salt baths are great for aches and pains.